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What color grade is most desirable?

Diamond Stud EarringsThe colors D, E and F can all be grouped at exceptionally fine.  A rare color may be referred to as colorless, exceptional white or rare white, as they are often described by diamond dealers. The colors G and H may be referred by us as fine white or rare white. These grades are also rare and considered very fine.  The I and J colors are slightly more tainted than G and H and sell for less, but diamonds possessing color grades G through J are very fine colors and are classified as near colorless. The color K and L show a stronger tint of yellow or brown, but settings can often mask the tint. Grades M through Z show progressively more and more tint of yellowish or brownish color.  Grade S through J seems to have better retail potential than grades K through Z. This does not mean however that diamonds that have less rare color grades are less beautiful or desirable. Sometimes a more tinted diamond can exhibit a warmth not shown by other Diamond Stud Earrings and create a very beautiful ring with unique appeal. This information has been provided by Angelcityjewelers, they offer the best prices on Diamond Stud Earring; and Diamond Engagement rings.