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Do-It-Yourself Website Building an Affordable Option for Business Owners

freecompress website buildingAre you one of the many people who are becoming aware of the need for more effective and results-driven promotion of their business? In today’s world more traditional forms of advertising are taking a back seat to the world wide web, and you’re likely to come to the conclusion that it’s time to arm yourself with a website.

For those of you who are more inclined to keep your business operations in house whenever possible, you’ll be pleased to know that creating your own website from scratch is not as daunting a task as it was in previous years. Once you’ve settled on a domain name (www.______.__) and have secured website hosting, your next step will be to take stock of what type of online presence your own business requires.

Say you run a bed and breakfast resort, for example. Once you have entered into a website hosting agreement with a reputable provider, you’ll need a website that is heavy on visuals and other compelling touches to sway potential customers. Conversely, you’re not going to have the same needs for such stylized features if you’re operating a tennis racket re-stringing service out of your home. Some businesses will need the services of a web designer, but many others can construct an online storefront themselves with the purchase of a website builder program.

Finding an online website builder is easy as innumerable numbers of them have popped up in recent years. If you’re considering going down this road, though, be certain you invest your money in one that is proven user-friendly and has readily accessible examples of web pages customers have put together using that particular website builder. You should be able to determine that the process is linear, user-friendly and that there is an emphasis on customer support throughout. In addition, nothing speaks louder than genuine testimonials from satisfied customers.

Offering customers a wide variety of template styles to best cater to their needs and tastes is a necessity as well. A quality online website builder will provide you with the basics to set up shop on the information superhighway AND give you a number of tools and options to distinguish yourself as you see fit. Competition in the industry has become fierce, with the benefit for customers being that they can find website builders that come with the full complement of features and services at decidedly reasonable prices.

4GoodHosting is a Canadian-based provider who offers an affordable online website builder in addition to their competitively priced and reliable website hosting services. No matter the size or scope of your business, you are sure to be pleased with the ease with which you can construct your own website. Domain registration and hosting are included with any Canada & USA website package and the folks at 4GoodHosting will be at your beck and call to assist anytime during the process. Learn more by taking a free test drive at