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How to Plan a Memorable Easter Egg Hunt for Kids

eggs-filled-with-toys-&-candyHunting for eggs and enjoying Easter treats is the highlight of Easter for many children. To make this upcoming Easter celebration a memorable one, experiment with a variety of fun and new Easter ideas for kids and plan the Easter egg hunt well ahead of time.

When preparing for an Easter egg hunt, first decide on an appropriate time and date for the event. Easter day is typically a busy time for many due to attending church and/or family functions. The day before Easter is usually a better time to schedule an Easter egg hunt so more people can attend. It’s important to find out approximately how many children will participate to ensure that there are enough unique plastic Easter eggs filled with toys & candy for everyone. Think five to ten eggs per child.

Consider splitting the hunt up in different areas according to age group, if there are children of many ages attending. This will prevent the younger children from getting trampled on and allow the older children to focus on finding unique Easter eggs hidden in more challenging areas.

Have a back-up plan in case the weather is bad on the day of the Easter egg hunt. If the hunt is conducted indoors, use just one or two rooms so things don’t get out of control. Additionally always remember to hide the eggs far from electrical plugs, glass, and wall sockets to prevent injuries.

To solve the dilemma of providing all of the children with bags or baskets to put their large plastic Easter eggs in, explore various Easter ideas for kids and plan fun activities. For example, prior to starting the hunt, have the children color paper bags and decorate them with stickers or make Easter baskets out of construction paper.

The best Easter eggs for a hunt are jumbo plastic Easter eggs because they are very convenient, reusable, and can be filled with a lot of fun surprises. Some companies sell pre-filled plastic Easter eggs or allow the option of customized eggs where they can be filled with items like friendship bracelets, Easter treats and candy, stickers, small Easter toys, and temporary tattoos. Another great idea for planning an unforgettable Easter egg hunt is to put small slips of papers in some of the eggs to announce special prizes. Good prizes include Easter treats like large chocolate Easter bunnies. Make sure the unique Easter eggs containing prize slips are well dispersed so every child gets a fair chance at finding one.

For younger children, spread the eggs on the floor or lawn for easy hunting. For older children, hide the eggs in trickier spots like potted plants, small trees, and mail boxes. Take note of all the places where the eggs are hidden so if a few eggs are not found, clues can be given to help the children find them.

It takes a lot of time to create unique Easter eggs and hide them, but an Easter egg hunt could be over in a matter of minutes. It’s always good to have a few crafts, games, and activities planned in case the hunt is over sooner than anticipated.

Use these fun Easter ideas for kids to plan an egg hunt that is as hassle-free as it is enjoyable. The right amount of planning and preparation will go a long way in ensuring that the next unique Easter egg hunt is organized, safe, and most importantly, a blast for the children. Lastly, be sure to buy wholesale Easter eggs long before your next hunt to ensure there are plenty of goodies for the kids participating in your activities!