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The Challenges Of Being An Employment Agent

freecompress Employment AgentThe job of an employment agent is to find jobs for jobfinders. However, it’s not as plain as the way it is defined. An agent faces some hard challenges in his job which are rarely known by many.

Here is how an employment agent does his job:

Getting Along With The Job Candidate

When a jobseeker comes to the agency and asks about job openings, the agent hands him a lengthy questionnaire to fill out. He will take a peek on the application and then start an interview with the applicant.

During the interview, the employment agent asks the applicant about the particular job he’s looking for, his skills, weaknesses and strengths, and his expected earnings. The agent needs to know the applicant’s personality and skills to present him to potential employers.

The Employment Agent As A Sales Expert Too

After the interview comes a tougher challenge for the agent. He looks for and contacts companies with available jobs that match with what the applicant is looking for. The agent then tries to “sell” the applicant to the potential employers. This isn’t a trial and error task for the employment agent; he should really manage to sell the applicant. This is certainly not at all a simple task to do.

If the prospective employer becomes keen to have an interview with the jobseeker, the agent calls him up to tell him about everything he must know or do. The agent has to give ideas to the applicant regarding how to dress, some things to say, tips on how to behave, and so on. He helps the candidate to get organized and be able to come up with a good impression to his potential employer.

The Make Or Break Part Of Being An Employment Agent

An offer to be interviewed doesn’t automatically mean that the applicant will surely be hired. The jobseeker need to first get and accept a formal job offer. When this happens, the agent then will get his commission.

This fact discloses that an employment agent’s job is actually tough. Lots of them depend on commissions and for this, it’s either they make a large amount of money for attending to their responsibilities well, or they don’t have enough earnings for some time due to their failed tasks.

A General Thought About Being An Employment Agent

Working as an employment agent is definitely not for everyone. People wanting to work as an agent should have superb verbal communication skills and a high level of determination. Becoming successful in such a career will be based on having these two main characteristics. Those who don’t have these traits will definitely not make it to this job.

Discover how a recruitment agency can work to your advantage and how an employment consultant can help you find your perfect job.