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Why Nobody Gave Me This Facts Before I Get Into Debt?

freecompress public company1The consolidation of debt, which is making money borrowed from a lender to pay off outstanding debts, has the advantage that it starts to have a single debtor to whom will manage the monthly payments and money back if conveniently choose the cancellation system.

Important steps to consider if interested in the debt consolidation process:

* Add the total amount you owe from every account you are interested in consolidate, you do this in order to know the total amount you owe. * Make a list of interest rates with each of your accounts, and calculate the average from all. * Start contacting your creditors (telephone, mail) and ask them the cancellation of the cash balances as of the date it intends to consolidate debts. * The entire amount of their balances of cancellation should be the initial amount to start the consolidation. * When looking for a lender, the rate you need to look for should be lower than average in the previous calculation. * Always be extremely careful about the terms of the loan; plan accordingly. * Once you have consolidated your debts control your finance and avoid getting in the same problem. The previous considerations applies to individuals living in countries that accept what is called the “Toronto terms”, this name comes from the agreement established in the World Economic Summit in Toronto in June1988. They were applied to the countries designated by the World Bank as “IDA-only” these criteria apply to people who have a very heavy debt, low per capital income and problems paying back their balances. The countries that can apply these measurements should have the next characteristic: A strong structural adjustment program that has been approved and supported by the IMF (International Monetary Fund).

The Toronto principles are basically two: a) Terms for the debts of the Development Assistance b) The introduction of a menu of conditions for payment of the debt that is not development assistance.

The debt of the ODA is returned with a maturity of 25 years including 14 years of extension, the default interest will be lower than the initial rate. For debts other than Development Assistance, creditors can choose from a menu of 3 payment terms.

The first option is: 1/3 of the debt will be canceled and returned with a maturity of 14 years for the remaining amount (with 8 years of extension), the market will define the default interests.

Second option: 25 years for repayment with 14 years extension and the market will define the interest rate in case of default.

Last option: The same than the first option (option A) but here the default rates is 3.5 percentage points below the market rate (depending on further reductions)

In December 1991 the Paris Club agreed to add to the menu of concessions to countries with lower incomes, (the Terms of Toronto added) that there are essentially 2 options to reduce debt, plus the option non concessional new conditions of Toronto. The option represents a 50% concession of forgiveness in present value terms in debt service payments, lowering the debt during the consolidation period. Additionally, it was agreed to establish a timetable for consideration of a potential debt reduction. Creditors have indicated willingness to consider restructuring the remaining time when the debt is canceled on a date not later than 3 or 4 years.

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