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Astral Projecting – A Beginners Guide

freecompress AstralA lot of people find that there are some stumbling blocks preventing them from successfully astral projecting. However, this is something which all of us can do. It is a natural ability which every man and woman already has. Much like riding a bike, you dont forget how; but you do have to keep in practice in order to do it well.

A lot of people find just relaxing to be a stumbling block on the way to learning astral projection. In order to astral project, youll need to relax both mind and body. There are a number of different techniques which can help you to relax, including breathing techniques and methods of muscle relaxation.

If you choose to practice your astral projecting in a relaxed environment you will have a much better chance of doing so successfully. Try the tips below in order to practice astral projecting successfully.

*Make sure that you are not wearing jewelry or other items that are in contact with your skin. (Clothes are acceptable, but removing very tight clothing sometimes helps).

*You want to have a dimly lit room in order to practice astral projection. Not pitch black, but dark enough that when you close your eyes no light gets through.

*With your head pointed north, lie down along a north-south axis. This should be easy to figure out with the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. So if our of your bedroom window you can see the sunset that means you need to be laying along the window, not with your head or feet pointing towards the window.

*While you practice astral projecting, make sure that the clothes you wear keep you warm, but are comfortable and loosely fitting.

*Astral projection should always be done in a place which is free of distractions. Make sure that you have a quiet and peaceful place to practice astral projecting.

*It is time to enter a state of relaxation, (this is where you want to practice your relaxation techniques.)

*Start giving yourself mental suggestions that will help you be able to remember what is happening during your session. Keeping a pen and paper close by is helpful, so that as soon as you finish your astral travels you can write down what you remember. Remembering can be enhanced by saying to yourself five times, I will remember.

*Start using your breathing techniques and feel yourself starting to relax.

*As you are using your breathing techniques and beginning to relax, concentrate on the blackness ahead of you.

*Next, concentrate on a point about one foot away from your forehead. Once you manage to do this, switch your focus to a point about six feet away.

*Next, imagine a line running at a 90 degree angle from this focal point to a point parallel to your body.

By following these tips, youll be well prepared for astral projecting. In order to get the best results from astral projection, you need to be in full control mentally. Your astral body may wander off randomly otherwise, which is a waste of your efforts. You can go anywhere and do anything when you are astral projecting, so make sure to think of where youd like to go and what youd like to do.

Some people who are expert in astral projecting can speak with departed loved ones and perform feats which they could never do with their physical bodies. Even if you are skeptical about astral projection, you should realize that you have done this before. Those very vivid dreams which you remember when you wake up are astral travel! However, with some practice you can astral project whenever you like and gain the benefits of this practice.

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