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Avoid Toe Fungus

freecompress FungusBefore humans wore shoes, it’s unlikely that many people needed a toe fungus treatment. Their feet were indeed full of fresh air, dry, and not enclosed. Feet that are warm, moist and airless are good breeding places for fungus to grow while feet that are dry and filled with air are free from fungus. This is the reason why fungi would tend to creep more on the feet rather than the hands.

Incidents on athlete’s foot as well as toe fungus infection have been increasing because of the modern combination of socks and closed shoes which most people are wearing day by day. Year after year, treatment options of toe fungus infection has also been increasing in number. Home remedies were the first, followed by early medical treatments probably based largely on the home remedies that seemed to work, and over the counter antifungal powders and ointments. In today’s times, medications which can be taken orally or perhaps applied topically have also been available.

Toe fungus treatment is easier when only the skin of the feet is infected (athlete’s foot), than when there is a fungus toe nail infection. This is because, in a fungal infection, the fungus is living and multiplying underneath the nail. The nail makes a hard layer in between any used remedy plus the fungus itself, and afflicted toenails require a long time to grow out. Treatment has to keep going until all of the infected toenail has been replaced by healthy, uninfected nail.

Toe fungus treatment, such as the use of antifungal powder, topical essential oils, ointments, or foot soaks, treats infected skin much more easily, and the treatment doesn’t need to be continued for as long. Between skin infections and toe nail infections, skin infections are the ones more frequently treated with natural remedies and prescription medicines. You have to rub the skin directly with powders, oils, and ointments. Solutions for soaking infected feet include vinegar, dilute bleach, 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide, and even some herbal teas. Prescription medications taken orally helps the immune system to fight off the infection.

Yet, the primary guideline here is to be good to your feet to avoid toe fungus infection. A healthy feet refers to feet that are cool, dry, and clean. Try walking around with no shoes. (Except when there’s danger of foot injury or in damp public places like public showers and swimming pools, where you might pick up someone else’s fungus toe infection.) Change your socks regularly, and dust your shoes with antifungal powder if you think you are susceptible to fungal infection. Keep your toenails trimmed. Be good to your feet by visiting a salon and have some pedicure every now and then.

Can’t bear the very thought of going through nail fungus? In that case stop and cure it by going to nail fungus treatment.