This has become the most common option available for Web Hosting. In this set up, a company will possess one or more servers that they will set up to provide web hosting and their customers will pay them to have access to portions of the server which they share with other customers. In this scheme, a server will have to be able to run hundreds of web sites all at once.
Using shared hosting comes with multiple benefits. The high cost of buying and maintaining a server can be balanced against the income from multiple clients paying to use it, making it the least expensive form of commercial hosting. They don’t require advanced technical knowledge to use and you only need to administer your account – at no point do you have anything to do with the server. As it is a paid solution you will have access to customer support, a contract, uptime guarantees and so on.
There are also some downsides that should be noted, though, primarily that you are actually sharing the server’s resources so this can adversely affect some performance. Just like your personal computer, a server can only carry a certain amount of memory, processing power and space. If you are paired with someone who is putting a heavy strain on these resources, or too many people are using the same server, or you are put on a slower server – if this is the case the result will be that your web site seems slow.
Using shared hosting options may also prevent you from using some of the more high-tech, advanced features which a dedicated server can offer you. Security can be an issue, depending upon your host – and the security of your neighbors – however, most servers are very secure just in the way that they are configured and set up, so chances are this really should not be a concern for most customers.
For most websites and customers, shared hosting can be an ideal opportunity – especially when you are just starting out. There are a minuscule number of people who want or need more control over server contents and the vast majority will never need anything more.
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