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Houston Beats Kansas City In Rainy NFL Preseason Contest

freecompress NFL 3It was the sort of sloppy NFL preseason game that made the coaches more interested in escaping with as few injuries as possible than with winning or evaluating talent. In a driving rainstorm at Arrowhead Stadium the Houston Texans outlasted the Kansas City Chiefs to take a 16-10 NFL exhibition victory. It was the first game of the NFL preseason for both teams, and they were more or less happy to emerge unscathed from the deluge.

Texans coach Gary Kubiak summed up the mindset in such miserable weather conditions:

“It was a very sloppy night weather-wise and whoever plays the best defense and whoever doesn’t put it on the ground usually finds a way to win in this league. I was glad we did, but we paid a price. We have some guys banged up and that usually happens when you get out there in a mess like that.”

The biggest name to suffer an injury was Houston backup QB Rex Grossman. Kubiak gave an early assessment of his condition after the contest:

“It looks like he has a pretty good hamstring. The first play when he went in he booted and said he felt his hamstring pull or pop, or whatever. So we’ll have to wait and see.”

Texans running back Ryan Moats was happy about just having some actual opposition:

“It felt good to finally hit somebody else for a change and not worry about hurting anybody else.”

Texans starting QB Matt Schaub was generally pleased with his performance:

“We ran the ball effectively down in the red zone and we were able to finish that drive 95 yards for a touchdown. That’s the way you want to finish off your day.”

Kansas Citys head coach Todd Haley made his NFL coaching debut, and wasn’t particularly down about it being a loss:

“It’s your first game as head coach and I know it’s just preseason, but it was an exciting, exciting moment for me. If you tell me the first real one’s a win, I’ll take this loss any day of the week. It’s a special feeling when it’s your team and a lot of responsibility comes with that and I didn’t live up to my end of that. That’s the part that’s got to change.”

Houstons NFL preseason campaign continues on Saturday as they host the New Orleans Saints. Kansas City will play against the Vikings at Minnesota on Friday night.

Ross Everett is a widely published freelance sports writer and noted authority on baseball betting. His writing has appeared on a variety of sports sites including sportsbooks and sportsbook directory sites. He lives in Southern Nevada with three Jack Russell Terriers and an emu. He is currently working on an autobiography of former energy secretary Donald Hodell.