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Significantly Lower Your Carbon Footprint With Sash Window Draught Proofing This Winter

As cold weather begin to set in, you may think about lowering energy bills and the need to reduce your carbon foot print with sash window draught proofing this winter. Reducing draughts and cold spots in your home is easy when you spend a little time planning how to most effectively address the issues that caused by windows that may need repair, resealing or replacement.

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The Small Town Of Hoquiam Evaluates The Future And Keeps Up With Its Neighbors

When a town ages, it has to change too, to avoid stalling out, fading away. Often a town has been planted in a place to satisfy some specific cultural or economic need, and if those days pass, the town has to change its game. And the way a town does this is very important, because it says as much about the times we’re all living in as about the way a town makes decisions.

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