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A Full Synopsis Of The Film The Departed

the lord of the rings 1The year two thousand and six produced some awesome action based flicks and the departed is just one of them. Based on the back ground of mafia and police tussle, this movie inculcates the audience with introducing not one but two double crossers of which one is a good cop and one is a cop, gone rogue.

This story is a summary of betrayals and thrills all coming together under the umbrella of the traditional rivalry between the mafias and law enforcing agencies. Similar movie genre always seem to depict a cop integrating within the criminals to identify and capture their heads and bosses. In this case the twist is that the mafia prepares their lad to land in the midst of the law enforcers to spy for them.

Billy is a Massachusetts police graduate who plays his generic mafia ties to win trust and respect when he is inducted in the mafia as a double agent for the cops. His background and family cult relation makes him an easy amalgamation within the Irish American mafia and also helps in gaining reliability within the cult sectors. This helps him in knowing what is being planned and he accordingly tips off the police regarding them.

Collin Sullivan, the mafia man in the police, on the other hands is as sharp and cunning as Billy and quickly moves to higher positions within the Police special investigation units. His double role is appreciated because this is one factor that makes this film different from other mafia movies. His affiliation with the wrong side of the law makes him the only leading character in the movie that attracts the critics as well as the general film audience.

As the film progresses, it becomes evident to the mafia and police chiefs that they have black sheeps within their lineups. This is the point where the movie seriously gains some momentum and both the double agents start to unveil the identity of each other in order to stay clean in their records. This is the moment when the human emotions comes in full play and the choices left with both the double agents is either to turn themselves in or to play their mates and colleagues into the shackles of treachery.

The last part of the film basically revolves around the revealing struggle being carried out by Collin and Bill both. One might not categorize this movie in a pure action genre, but the drama mixed with essence of suspense and thrill definitely makes this movie a unique one. These last scenes depict the ultimate struggle from both sides to save their selves from the wrath of the mafia and police by going towards a head to head fight and interaction.

The final scenes of the movie show Billy trailing Collin in order to arrest and reveal his true identity to the police department. The intimacies of all these times make Billy ask Collin to take the immunity offered by the police department in case he was apprehended. The final round comes when Billy and Collin end up in a scuffle with Collin killing Billy.

The story is a myriad of ups and downs with some very obvious twists and some great thriller sequences. The bottom line of The Departed remains that no matter how powerful crime grows, it can never topple the truth, honesty, and goodness of society.

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