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Benefits Of Out Of Body Experience

When someone feel his spirit is out of body and floating above his head, this is called an out of body experience or OBE. This is a scientifically proved phenomenon and commonly occur when a person about to die. It can be done intentionally if practiced well. Such a process is called Astral Projection. It is proved that souls leave the human body and looking down to it while doctors or physicians trying hard to save their life when they are about to death.

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Try These Simple Astral Projection Techniques

While there may be a number of different astral projection techniques which people can use in order to help them achieve success, one should bear in mind that because everyone is different, what works for one may not necessarily work for another. Interestingly enough, many people encounter problems with certain methods although for the most part, this is not because of the method they choose to use, but rather because they are unable to relax.

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